Features Age Calculator Date of Birth
Age Calculator Date of Birth app helpful to accurately calculate and determine your total age with ease.
Are you looking to find out how many years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, or seconds youve been alive, this age calculator app provides a quick, simple and faster solution.
Age calculator - Quickly determine your total age in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds!
Simply input your family birth date, there is no need of provide today, Age Calculator app will determine their total age in total years, total months, total weeks, total Days, total hours, total minutes, total seconds, Next birthdays in with countdown timer, a day born on.
Using Age calculator you can also get given birthday Age in 5 years, 10 years, 50 and 100 years resepectively.
You can also find your horoscope easily.
Along with above features, this app provide accurate results The app uses the latest algorithms to ensure accurate and reliable results every time.
The app is completely FREE, you dont have to pay anything ever!!Stylish greetings messages available to share with your friends and family.
Wish your loved ones a happy birthday or happy anniversary in stylist way :) Top features : 1.
Bay’s Age Calculator 2.
Birthday CountDown 3.
Date Calculator 4.
Daily Horoscope 5.
Stylish Greetings6.
My Family Details 7.
Age Difference 8.
Leap year9.
Working Days Between DateAge Difference provides detailed information about how many years a person is older than another person.
Provide Name and birthdate of both persons.
And press CALCULATE button.Sometimes you want to check specific year is Leap Year or not.
Age Calculator app provide you Leap Year information by simply enter the specific year.
If you want to calculator working days between two dates, Age calculator app will help you.
Simply provide 2 dates and app will show you results in how many total working days, how many Monday to Sunday each!
Age calculator also works in OFFLINE mode too.
You dont need active Internet connection all the time.
Never forget important dates again by saving birthdays and anniversaries within the app.
This app also notify you via push notification on your stored friends or family’s birthday or anniversaries.
Thank you for using Age calculator app, feel free to reach out if you found any issues in app.
We are grateful to hear from you!
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Available for Android 8.0 and above